Saturday, April 25, 2009

Quickly and Inexpensively Build a Subscriber List With Safelists

by Steven Weisenburger

"The money is in the list."

In one of my online coaching sessions I was telling my students about a webinar I had attended. The presentation was conducted by mega success Agora Publishing. In just 7 years they’ve mushroomed into a $400+ million dollar a year Internet marketing giant. So, I guess you can say it's Christmas everyday for them!

In that webinar they revealed the seeds to their miraculous success. One seed was building a database of opt-in subscribers to their free Early-to-Rise newsletter.

They started out very small database of their own and built it up to 20,000+ names and it took off from there. And now they have hundreds of thousands of email address they send to on a daily basis -- and what's really amazing is that their subscribers, like little kids anticipating Santa, they can hardly wait until tomorrow to get the next one.

Well, with visions of dollar signs dancing in their heads like sugarplums, several of the students eagerly asked me, “How do you quickly build up your own database/subscriber list to market to?”

There are many ways of building your own database/subscriber list, however, I’m going to show you ONE technique in this article. I selected it because one marketer I know of used this method to take his subscriber base of 2,000 to over 60,000 names in just 6 weeks.

How did he accomplish such a feat? Safelists.

A Safelist is a form of e-mail marketing and advertising where the members have agreed to receive each other’s messages. Types of safelists include paid, credit based, and free. Thus, as everyone has opted -in, it is “safe” to send promotional material to each other.

Anyone can join and market their products and service with email advertising -- there is no “good old boys” network you have to be connected with to get in the door.

Some Safelists are free to advertise to and others require a fee. But the fee is a pint-sized fraction of what companies charge to mail to traditional rented opt-in e-lists -- which can run $200 to $400 per thousand.

What works in promotions targeted to Safelists?

If your marketing mindset is wrapped around “lead generation” then smartlists are going to work best for you. Free offers tend to pull well in Safelists.

So by offering a free report or some other "gift" in your marketing promotion, you establish credibility with the Safelist subscribers and encourage them to investigate the source of the ad -- which is you of course -- not Santa!

Some Safelists permit only text ads; others allow either text or HTML. Some experts claim HTML ads pull better on Safelists. As always, I default to the tried and true marketing principle of testing all your marketing efforts -- its the only way to know for certain.

Where does one finds Safelists?

When you google it, you'll find 444,000 results. But let me save you a little time.

There are several online directories that contain Safelist listings, including,, which require a small fee to join, plus FREE list sites such as and .

Quantity vs Quality

Like anything else, there are pro’s and cons to Safelists.

The Pros are:

* you can generate a large list rather quickly and at a very low cost.
* no fear of being penalized for spamming
* you know the results of your ad immediately – a great way to test and tweak for success
* email to thousands – for free or small amount – even a 1% -2% response can be profitable

The Çon is:

* the unsubscribe rate for Safelist-aquired names is going to be many times higher than people who subscribe to your free report or ezine because they a.) either know you b.) signed up from an article submission c.) found you via a search engine search or d.) came to your internet site --

5 SafeList Marketing Tips

1. Select a targeted list – if you are targeting Internet Marketers, then don’t subscribe to lists that are contain pet owners. The more niched the list, the higher response rate you’re going to get.

2. Use a benefit-laden headline in your ad – you’ve got to reach out and grab the reader by the throat in the first 3 seconds or they vanish into thin air.

3. Use a follow-up strategy – direct customers from your ad to your website or use a sequential autoresponder. It often takes up to 6 -7 times for users to see your ad before they respond to your offer. A newbie Internet marketer will cease their marketing efforts after one attempt – huge mistake. Follow up every few days with a variation of your offer. This will dramatically increase your chances of making the sale.

4. Tracking and Testing – the number one marketing mistake you can make is the failure to test and track. Test multiple ads and track the response rate -- one will most assuredly out pull the rest. You can then test which headline pulls the best. After a one-month subscription, you will have some idea if the safelist is worth staying with -- if not, unsubscribe!

If you are getting a good response from the free lists, then pay the monthly subscription fee, so you can send your ad more often. You will also benefit from all the features they provide.

5. Use several safe lists – subscribe as a free member to several paid lists. Test which safelist gives you the best response. As you can imagine, paid safelists are of higher quality than the ones that are free.

There you go, another marketing quick fix -- a place to start to build that list. Don't forget... just like Santa, who is making a list and checking it twice... so should you! It's true, the money is in the list.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How To Get a eNewsletter to Publish Your Article

Build Your E-Mail List With the Relevancy Principle

By Suzanne Richardson

"Dear ETR, I was wondering if you accept articles for your newsletter?"

I get e-mails like this on a weekly basis. And I applaud the senders for their initiative. Since ETR has over 450,000 subscribers, it is a good marketing strategy to get your name and ideas - and a link to your website - into our newsletter.

If you have an Internet business, you, too, should be looking for reliable methods of generating traffic to your site and growing your e-mail list. Publishing articles in other people's e-newsletters is an easy, free way to do both.

But a word of caution: You must adhere to what I call the "relevancy principle."

You see, you can't just write any old article, send it to an e-newsletter, and expect it to be published. (All too often, I get submissions like these for ETR, and I have to turn them away.)

First, of course, you need to ask if the publisher is looking for submissions. Next, you should ask for contributor guidelines so you know exactly what the publisher is looking for. Plus, you should read the newsletter you are submitting to. That way, you'll be familiar with its style and content.

But most important, you need to make sure that you, your business, and your article complement the newsletter.

For instance, if you run a home improvement company, you probably wouldn't be a good "fit" for an e-newsletter about mutual funds. You'd do better to send articles to newsletters that target real estate investors, new homeowners, or even recently single women.

Abiding by the relevancy principle can help you in two ways. First, it's more likely that a newsletter publisher will accept your articles. She wants to send relevant, useful information to her readers... so you've just made her job easier. Second, you'll make a stronger connection with her readers - and attract people to your site who are already interested in what your business is all about.

This article appears courtesy of Early To Rise, a free newsletter dedicated to making money, improving health and secrets to success. For a complimentary subscription, visit

Work Only a Half Day

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Am I A Friggin Idiot? If I loathe network marketing deals so much why the hell did I sign up for this one?

Anyone who knows me will tell you I've been an enemy to all network marketing companies on the planet.

Because I'm a half decent sales person, plus the fact that I have a few skills in the marketing arena I've always been a prime target for anyone who is involved in network marketing.

Because of my skill set, they view me as their road to riches fantasy come true. They are thinking, "If I can just get Steve in my down line he'll bust it out so huge I'll never have to work another day in my life."

So if you understand anything at all about the rabid aggression of the newbie mulit-level marketer you can appreciate the non stop assault I've been subjected to by every friend or brother of a friend that gets involved with a multi-level business.

I Joined Just So I Could Get People To Leave Me Alone

And I'm not exaggerating here. I remember early in my sales career I was assaulted nearly everyday by someone to join Amway. I actually relented and joined so I could tell anyone else that started to give me the pitch that I was already a distributor. That worked pretty well for putting an end to the Amway onslaught but it didn't do a thing for the hundreds of other network marketing companies that were out there signing up all my friends and their brothers.

The Fateful Night My Best Friend's Brother Knocked On My Door

I remember one evening a knock came at my door and there stood the brother of one of my high school buddies. Now at the time 15 years had passed since I had graduated high school and I had only seen my friend once since then, and had never seen his brother during that entire time.

Well I welcomed him into my home and we sat down in the living room and he started off by telling me he lived pretty close to me and that's why he stopped by - just to "catch up". He updated me on what was going on with his brother, my buddy, and what was going on in his life. I found out about his family and his job as a Kimberly Clark diaper salesman (no joke).

I in turn updated him on my family and life.

Then the conversation took an all to familiar "Amway" turn -- you know the conversation starts out about marketing without ever mentioning the multi-level marketing company or network marketing company they talk to you about all this money that can be made. And eventually it finally comes down to they invite you to a "meeting" or they have to admit they are with Amway.

Well, after he regaled me with this long and excited spiel about how great is was to be at the quadruple ruby diamond emerald million dollar level where all the money is being made, he began to beg me to become part of his down line.

I Attacked Him Like a Starving Pit Bull On a Raw Rump Roast

I have to admit, by now I was pretty agitated. His deception had become clear -- his purpose for visiting me wasn't to "catch up" but to exploit my prior relationship with his brother to get in and pitch me on joining his down line. So I lit into him like a pit bull on a raw rump of roast beef.

I didn't pull any punches, I point blank asked him how much money he was making? At least he was honest with me and told me not much -- but of course he was just starting out and would soon join their ranks.

I then began to tell him in no uncertain terms what I hated about network marketing companies.
I thought they exploited people like him at the lower levels of the company to make the upper level rich while he would make nothing. I told him it was ridiculous that these companies financial program made you get 7 people that had to go get 7 people each 7 levels deep before you could really start to benefit from being in the program. And in the mean time you had to keep paying or buying more product every month just for the privilege of maintaining your lowly status.
I'd go on but I was pretty mad by than and I'm not proud of some of the other things I told him.

But I ended the conversation with... 
"Don't darken my door with your shadow until you've made it to the quadruple ruby diamond emerald million dollar level and drive into my yard with a brand new Mercedes Benz." 
I chose Mercedes Benz because I had one of my own, a 560 SL, sitting in the garage. And, yes I was throwing that in his face. Hey, I said I wasn't proud of some of the things I said!

So I sent him out the door with that challenge ringing in his ears knowing full well that I would never hear from him again. I was full of smug self satisfaction as I knew I had put an end to his nonsense once and for all.

Everyone Gets To Eat Humble Pie

I don't know how much time had passed after this "Amway incident," but it couldn't have been more than a few months, that a knock came at my door once again. As I opened the door, there stood the brother of my high school buddy, with an arrogant grin on his face as he gesture toward the driveway were sat his new Mercedes Benz he had just purchased from the profits he was earning as an Amway Distributor.

Well, I have to admit it... that was a pretty good come back to the demeaning challenge I had issued him previously. 

I don't remember what I said but it was something about his arrogance as I slammed the door in his face. I have never heard from him again. His success did give me pause -- but then I shrugged it off. 

And admittedly that's how I've felt about all network marketing companies I've come across since... until now.

A friend of mine that I knew to loathe multi-level companies with as much disdain as I did, approached me and told me about this new network marketing company he came across that had actually eliminated all the things he and I hated about these programs.

All The Things I Hated About Network Marketing Companies Eliminated

You didn't have to build an enormous multi-layered down line before you could benefit financially... it only required you come up with two people that each only had to come up with two people... WOW, that was pretty amazing.

Then it was NOT a company that sold vitamins or magic Himalayan Anti Oxidant Juice that heal whatever ails you but the product was an Internet Affiliate marketing training program -- it teaches you how to make more money by marketing on the Internet. Double WOW

Plus, it was a product you paid for once -- no monthly payments for vitamins or magic juice and because it had this unique network marketing twist to it, it generates the money you need to market your Affiliate business. Triple WOW.

The Ultimate Twist That Sealed The Deal

Here's the magical twist that sealed the deal for me. This company is tied into telemarketing sales floors - you know the guys that make a living selling six and twelve thousand dollar business opportunity packages over the phone - and they are selling everyday and once you become part of this company you are automatically put in a down line with these sales floors.

You really don't have to do much to get start making money because they are going to do it for you. The pay plan is designed so that they need you to let them put the people they sale under you! They make more money doing it this way. Of course, if you're willing to do a little work and build your own network of people who want to make money on the Internet but don't know how you're really going to start raking in the dough.

So I relented and joined. To both my shock and delight my initial investment was double in less than 24 hours. 

So here's my invitation to you.

I would like for you to attend an absolutely free, no strings attached teleconference call and let someone a lot more capable than me explain to you all the details of how this unique program works.

As you know, a teleconference is a completely 100% safe environment for you. I know what it's like to have someone in your face pressuring you to sign up for something. I don't like it and I don't want to subject you to it either.

So you can listen to all of the details and find out if this Affiliate training program is for you -- find out for yourself if the network marketing with the unique twist of having a sales floor selling for you is something you believe will work -- and then decide for yourself, without someone pressuring you that this is what you'd like to go ahead and get involved in.

Just go to this link and register for the call right now.